上海宝冶(柬埔寨)有限公司努力打造“平安宝冶”2024-07-17 聚焦“畅通生命通道”,争做安全“吹哨人”,2024年6月份,上海宝冶(柬埔寨)有限公司举办的“安全生产月”活动取得圆满成功。在建项目贴近属地化一线、上下联动、展示不同施工阶段建筑的生命通道布局、标识,… 阅读更多
视频 柬埔寨诺罗敦·珍娜小公主邀您欢庆中国年!2024-02-22 本期节目,柬埔寨皇室小公主诺罗敦·珍娜受邀做客中央广播电视总台中柬友谊台。小公主在采访中高度称赞中国经济、科技各领域发展成就以及中国春节和文化的世界影响力,表明中国春节是中柬人文交流及社会民心相通中不… 阅读更多
English Ancient Adage-Timeless Wisdom Ep8 | Embracing the world with virtue2024-02-03 Written more than 2,000 years ago, the ancient classic “Zhou Yi,” or “The Book of Changes” contains … 阅读更多
English Ancient Adage-Timeless Wisdom Ep7 | Ceaselessly pursuing self-improvement2024-02-02 The Chinese term, ceaselessly pursuing self-improvement, originates from the “Book of Changes” — Ti… 阅读更多
English Ancient Adage-Timeless Wisdom Ep6 | Harmony between humanity and nature2024-02-01 The Chinese civilization has always valued harmony between humanity and nature as well as observan… 阅读更多
English Ancient Adage-Timeless Wisdom Ep5 | Selecting officials on the basis of merit2024-01-31 In “Shangshu,” one of China’s earliest compilations of historical documents, there is a sentence tha… 阅读更多
柬埔寨 Ancient Adage-Timeless Wisdom Ep4 | Discarding the outdated in favor of the new2024-01-30 The millennia-old classic “Zhou Yi,” also known as the “Book of Changes,” has inspired many traditio… 阅读更多
English Ancient Adage-Timeless Wisdom Ep3 | Governing by virtue2024-01-29 Confucius once said, “Governing by virtue is like the North Star, steadfast in its position, with ot… 阅读更多
English Ancient Adage-Timeless Wisdom Ep2 | Regarding the people as the foundation of the state2024-01-29 The ancient “Shangshu,” one of China’s earliest compilations of historical documents, contains a say… 阅读更多
English Ancient Adage-Timeless Wisdom Ep1 | Pursuing common good for all2024-01-29 Tian Xia Wei Gong, which means pursuing common good for all, is the inheritance of ancient Chinese c… 阅读更多